A rendezvous with nature

Clad in pink flowing woven silk
I tread through the
the windy grassy pathway,
The warm wet woody aroma
from the spicy earth,
the whistle of the squirrels,
the sizzling sound from the bushes,
the paraphernalia of the blossoming flowers,
all lead me to
a few bamboo houses on the hilltop,
as i touch the hilltop,
The warm rice scent from the houses
adds to the glory of the dusk.
Sitting on a rock,
listening to the kids giggling inside the huts,
making the moment sublime,
in the wink of an eye
i see the twilight,
The glittering night sky gleaming with twinkling stars,
the song of the wind
mark the celebration of a day well-lived.
The moon outshines the scene
with a promise of another day in a few hours,
when a howling dog in the middle of the night,
break my deep slumber,
and I rise up with a jolt
to another day of my city life :-)

© Meghna, 2019, All rights reserved.


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