Winter's Embrace


In the deepest of winters,
In the quest of searching for
the invincible summer within me,
Tucked up in the warm snuggly bed,
This winter speaks to me!
The smoky nutty aroma from the tall overflowing 
coffee mug,
Validates the winters-onset.
The delectable cinnamon rolls,
fresh from the oven,
with warm melted butter oozing out,
adds sweetness to the 
deep bitterness of 
the steamy dark brown coffee mug.
Days are short now,
Nights are long.
A line of golden warm lively candles 
stands tall and shining,
lighting my room with the beauty unseen,
adding radiance to the chamomile and chrysanthemum flowers 
at the bedside.
Driving away the cold darkness,
The sweet scent of the pillar candles and fragrant flowers,
Re-assures the sweet promises life holds.
The dark days, 
and the chilly nights,
give the necessary break,
to take stock of life.
With the warmth, scent, food, and flowers,
This loving winter's embrace,
is a perfect therapeutic remedy,
for setting the life right!

© Meghna, 2021, All rights reserved.


  1. you made winters also sound so romantic, who and what are you Meghana ?


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