My friend - Tea!

 “Some people will tell you there is a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea.”–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tea my forever mate,

Black, green, oolong, white or Pu -erh,

Never fails to please me.

Dreary days,

Teary days,

Days of cheerfulness,

Days of success,

The thought of a 

cup of tea,

Fills me with contented peace.

Situations are never so bleak,

For a cup of tea not to

remind me a reason to gleam.


The constant reminder of the Lord’s mercies on me.

Sitting elegantly

in the old encrusted stout teapot,

Reminding of the endless conversations

Of the past 


And many more to come.

This calm-after-the-storm drink,

has the perfect aroma 

lingering the senses.

These tea leaves,

Make a fragrant bouquet for my life!

© Meghna, 2021, All rights reserved.


  1. had tea after reading, you are incomparable.

  2. u are the best daughter


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