The Journey

The forest floor was wet,
Damp fallen leaves covered it all,
She walked along with the Shaman.
The only thought that clouded her mind,
Was how will she find her Soulmate?
The Shaman silently answered-
"By taking risks. 
By risking failure, 
but never ceasing in your search for Love, 
as long as you keep looking, 
you will triumph in the end"
She unceasingly walked through years,
in her quest for knowledge,
in her  quest of the precious love,
overcoming her fears,
learning to dance to the mysterious tunes,
She was all alone
on her sacred voyage of discovery,
To give up everything -
To find,
To stay,
To breathe,
To stay hopeful,
In the search
of the love of her life.

© Meghna, 2019, All rights reserved.
Quote from - "The Brida" by Paul Coelho


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