An Evening of 2008

A cold winter evening of 2008,
A heavy bus rumbled down the road.
Standing at the edge,
Falling down with a thud,
With the speeding bus slapping and vanishing.
In the next moment of consciousness,
Brutal darkness covered me all.
Wandering inside the cranial nerves,
A magnificent light traversed along.
A powerful voice resounded within,
“Look around,
Rise up,
And march ahead”.
With pain excruciating,
Bruises all over,
Blood soaked,
And no sign of help,
I rose up.
Just to see the
Humans encircling me,
Few gossiping,
Others mocking,
But none lending a hand.
Aiming to walk half a mile,
Amidst the tittle-tattle,
Started limping in agony.
Paying attention to the strong voice within,
Asking me to move on,
With the only thought to make it home,
And console the concerned.
Despite the outward calmness,
Deep perspiration covered me all,
Just couldn’t be still,
Each stabbing jolt made me stumble.
Having covered half a mile,
Touching the home gates,
Didn’t mollify,
Horrifying thoughts of damage worsened,
With the journey still pending,
Hurrying to locate a hospital.
Not finding any vehicle nearby,
Technology too declined.
Fervently praying to the noise within,
To instill courage.
Resting the mangled painful body,
Against the shoulder of the concerned,
Started the journey.
The cold winter waves,
Deepening the agony,
But having a shoulder to rest on,
Made me realize-
Joy gets doubled and pain halved,
With an honest shoulder along.
The voice within now consoled me,
To leap in faith,
In no time a smile adorned my face,
I was at the gates,
The sight of the doctor,
Reminded me of an angel,
Decked up in all white,
Stethoscope around the neck,
Was no less than a halo divine.
Fainting on the bed in exhaustion,
Like an athlete touching the ground,
After getting a fair victory.
With the eyelids closed,
I entered world of angels,
A beautiful garden of roses and lilies,
With gold dust sprinkling upon,
Colorful butterflies all around,
Smiling winged beings hopping all over,
Adorned in crystal,
When they greeted me in full fervor.
Were all along.
Honored with a flowered halo and wings to follow,
A world of sheer joy and love.
When they lovingly said-
“We are proud of you”
A gentle pat on the forehead,
Broke my angelic reality,
The doctor asking to rise up,
And jiggle the body to check the limbs.
Sub consciously still dancing with the winged buddies,
Moving out of the hospital gates,
With a renewed energy,
To keep dancing,
To keep singing,
To keep laughing,
To live it all🙂

© Meghna, 2019, All rights reserved.


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