
Showing posts from August, 2019
Let It be your Guide... On cold winter nights when the moon is high, And the stars are twinkling bright up in the sky, Take a walk by the riverside, Let music be your guide. Arms in arms take a walk, Let the cold breeze caress the cheeks, Not deciding on the destination, Let the walkway be your guide. Together decide, To stop the worries for the time, Allow the trail to lead you through the time, And Let the moon be your guide. Dance until the morning light, With the night bright, The moon full and shining white, Let the perfumed wind be your guide. On this winter night, In this magical sight, Let the moon do all the talking, Leaving all troubles at the door, Let the wind of life be your guide. © Meghna, 2019, All rights reserved.
The Caterpillar... Sitting on my steady chair With an unsteady mind... When a green creepy-crawly creature Stole away my mind. The soft green mini-angel, Going helter skelter through life... Unaware of the wings soon To be bestowed for combating life. Going in a hurry burry To freely munch on the soft  green leaf... And get some fuel for the day. Unaware of the birds of the kill Waiting to gulp it And make it their prey. But it keeps marching ahead In a drunk kingly gait. Such is the innocence... Such is the joy... Of living with the unknown. I fix my thought on the beatific wings... soon to be bestowed. Classifying  myself to be one of the naive caterpillars, Striding unsuspiciously in life. I decide to be like the heroic caterpillar And wait on the wings to fly :) © Meghna, 2019, All rights reserved.
Language Of God... You speak in the language of the gentle breeze and I whisper the message in the brightness of the twinkling stars You voice your emotions in the language of the raging ocean waves and I reply back in the language of the bright inquisitive eyes You recite the message of love in the fragrance of the soft flowers and I deliver it back in the language of the melody of birds You speak the message in the lucid language of rain drops And I hold it back in my smile gleaming You speak joy to me in silence of the woods And I hold it back in the sacredness of tears How beautiful is God's silent language of love feel it live it and life becomes a melodious rhythmic dance! © Meghna, 2019, All rights reserved.
The Tree  Standing firm, Rooted deep into the soil black, The army of ants finding it's way onto the fat bark, It stands so tall reaching way up in the sky. Living free in the light of the sunshine Breathing in the clean sweet air Living on the diet of the nature's best Surrendering to the nature's laws finding health lovely there is indeed no death when faith is kept intact with the nature's divine plan :) © Meghna, 2019, All rights reserved.