Oh, my moonlight!

Oh, moonlight precious! Cover me with your sheen, Let all my troubles become lean. Oh, moonlight infinite! Wrap me with your dust silver, Fill my spirit with your fragrance richer. Oh, moonlight divine! Drown me into your waters peaceful, Melt me into your charm beautiful. Oh, Moonlight priceless! Envelope me with your silver beams, Let your grace and serenity pierce me from head to toe, And let me forever gleam. Oh, moonlight angelic! Fill my eyes with your spark, Let all my thoughts weary leave me from the dark. Oh, moonlight beatific! Cover my face with your mist and light, Making me glittering starlight. Oh, moonlight godly! Drape me from head to toe with your holy bliss, Bestowing me with a soft holy kiss. Oh, moonlight mysterious! Take me to a fluorescent meadow, Where I can breathe in mysteries magical, Never experienced before. Oh, moonlight beautiful! Take me to a dreamland far-away, Where I can breathe out all my dreams untold, And dance into the coolness of moonlight m...