Message to my Future !

Welcoming Sounds, Witnessing breath, Observing the string of ever-flowing thoughts, Radiating love and blessings to all, Is the kind of love, that is the signature of my soul Still I keep wandering everywhere Just to be merged with that love so dear Which would make me alive once more The angels would rejoice that day When my soul will no longer thirst Within your arms there will be nothing to fear All my insecurities will turn into my vigor Just like the rivers merge with the ocean Our love will make heaven and earth to merge with sweet emotion We will build a world of our own Where our deep bond will keep us warm forever With hand-in-hand, we will traverse beyond horizon Treading on this sacred journey as One Just promise me that day when I bid you adieu, you won't cry, As the day I say goodbye, will be the day I would die ! © Meghna, 2017, All rights reserved.