Desire to live... Leaning by the window In an attempt to end this uncertainity The dew-drops fell from the mango tree Clinging on to her cheek As if the tree was pleading her not to give up but to tread The mooing of sheep-offspring from the green meadows Appealing to live life happy Freeing the soul from any burden Breaking any mount of expectations The swaying trees Spreading the warm scent in the air Inviting her to dance dance to the tune of life and not to make it sour She rose to the rythym With a beaming uncanny spirit Walked through the narrow pavement covered with gravels surrounded by rhododendrons Shedding away the mundane desires Dismissing the unwanted stress She was ready to rebounce, Walk upright with her invented faith, which instilled in her a desire a desire to live !! © Meghna, 2014, All rights reserved.