End.... i kept wandering dry and thirsty feeling deserted water could not satisfy me strange it is my thirst was quenched i found elixir in the desert an elixir heavy to drink the more i drink the thirstier i get i am addicted the more i get to know the lesser it appears i keep treading in this desert of life exhilarated by this elixir in a distance i see a tree, tall and stern adorning a ripe fruit adding to the beauty of this desert the nearer i approached, the plump beauty dissociated itself from the tree it's time was done now it will gratify my hunger so is the life we live every soul is prescribed a potion of this elixir when this dosage is completed we detach from the physical realm leaving memories and learning to appease someone else's hunger so is the cycle of life and death the more i drink this elixir the thirstier i become waiting for this prescription prescription of life to end :) © Meghna, 2014, All rights reserved...